10 Simple Safety Rules To Follow On First Date  

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Ready to head out on your first date with someone very special? Feeling a mix of excitement, hope and nervousness? Maybe this is your very first dates ever, or perhaps it’s been a while? Whatever your dating experience, and even if you’re a total pro in this game, are you following these dating safety rules?

I hate to get heavy here, and ruin your buzz, but alarming figures published by The National Crime Agency (NCA) show that the number of people reporting rape on their first meeting with someone they met on a dating sites or apps has risen by more than 450% in last five years. Following these 10 simple safety rules will protect you from leaving yourself vulnerable on a date, so you can focus on the matter at hand – having fun and better getting to know your new potential love interest!

For most singles, online dating is an enjoyable, safe as well as convenient method to meet fascinating and suitable singles. Nevertheless, it is definitely important to follow along with a couple of rules to be able to protect yourself. Here tend to be some important ideas to remember whenever you engage in online dating.

Here are 10 dos and don’ts of staying safe on a first date

Remembering this first date advice will ensure you will be able to focus on having a fun, but safe dating as well as meeting experience! It’s also important to remember that your date will completely understand your caution and will hopefully be taking similar steps themselves as same as you do.

  1. Inform someone about your plans  

Always do communicate your plans someone you trust. when and where you’re going, and make sure to call or text them at a set time to confirm that everything is going well.

Pro tip: Stay discreet by taking a quick trip to the washroom to text or call.

  1. Meet in a public place only

Meeting in a crowded place where you know lots of other people will be around is a great move for a first date.

Pro tip: Being amongst the hustle bustle of a coffee shop or public park will also help you feel at ease if you can hear other people’s conversations as well as your own.

  1. Keep your mobile phone with you

Make sure your mobile phone s charged well and do not run out of battery so that you can call someone if you need to.

Pro tip: Fiddling with your mobile phone on a first date is a definite no-no – keep it in your bag or pocket until you’ve finished or you’re in the washroom.

  1. pre-plan your return rout to home

Thinking about how you’re going to get home is a wise move, whether it be by taxi, bus or train.

Pro tip: Being confident about how you are getting home will avoid those awkward “do you want a lift” type situations (see #9)

  1. Leave immediately if you feel uncomfortable

If you feel uncomfortable at any point, or have gut feelings of anything wrong, leave and go home. This could be anything e.g. something your date is saying, doing or implying.

Pro tip: Make your excuses and don’t hesitate or feel bad about leaving a date early. Your safety is most important.

  1. Don’t leave drink or personal belongings unattended

Leaving your drink or food with someone you don’t know well can lead to it being tampered with. You should also take your handbag, phone or wallet with you if you visit the bar or washroom.

Pro tip: If you need to go to the toilet, finish your drink first then leave.

  1. Do not meet at your house or at workplace

Don’t show your date where you live or give or tell them your address. On the flip-side, do not go to your date’s home or any other property.

Pro tip: Save the home dates until and unless you know someone much better.

  1. Don’t drink much

Drinking a couple of drinks will inevitably calm your nerves, but having more than that could leave you vulnerable.

Pro tip: Keep your wits about you whilst drinking by alternating your alcoholic drinks with a soft drink or water.

  1. Don’t let your date drop you home

Do not take lift from your date and do not let them get into your car.

Pro tip: Even if you feel that you trust the person, politely decline a trip in their car and make your own way home if possible, take public transit only.

  1. Don’t go home or in private place with your date

Even if it feels like the date’s going great and you feel a physical attraction, it’s best choice to enjoy a few meet ups before you jump into anything heavy. At last I would like to say WeLoveDates for our own reason. In some case purpose of date is get a sex only, while in some goal of it may be to find a perfect life partner.

Pro tip: They might be hard to resist, but it’s best not to take a risk for a quick fling.