5 Leadership Strategies to Build a Strong Team

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Employees come first. How many businesses work on this mission? Those who work on this mission have contented employees and customers. A team together can work towards a common goal. What will happen if they hold grudges against each other or develop a disliking towards the organization? They get distracted from the task. A lot of time is wasted resolving disputes on a regular basis.

As a leader, it’s your role to develop a culture of unity and respect towards each other.

Build a Friendly Atmosphere:

You are a boss! You can dominate the employees and have the authority to make them way according to your way. If you are living with this thought, get ready for a high attrition rate and employee criticism.

No one wants to work under a “bossy” attitude. Give them some leverage to work according to their desire. Provide them some flexibility instead of making rigid rules.

Plan the Team Outing:

This is an old practice. Schools and educational institutions also organize trips and picnics for fun and to create bonding among classmates. Similarly, the team needs to get to know each other well. When employees know the strengths and weaknesses of each other, they can deal with each other well. The team is full of diversified people compromising people of different gender, experience, age, and religion.

They have to take care of each other emotionally and help each other. A strong team bonding increases the employee’s efficiency and productivity.

Celebrate and Reward:

Remember the school days when annual day and reward ceremonies were held. How’s your feeling when you attended the functions or awarded for the most brilliant student? Probably, you had felt like a superstar and have a sense of motivation to perform better.

It also helps other employees to compete and strive to receive the award, hence encouraging every employee to give their best and become the star performer.

Create an Anxiety-Free Environment:

Urgency arises in every business. Sometimes employees have to work for extra hours, but don’t make it a culture to make employees work for extra hours daily. People start to lose interest in the work and feel frustrated.

As a leader, you have to understand that everyone has a personal life, and people have the desire to spend time with their loved ones.

Effective Communication:

How will you deal with people who come to you with a query? Will you help them out in a polite way or humiliate and belittle them for not knowing the things? Create a culture of open communication, where people feel free to ask queries.

Mistakes will happen, but do not let these mistakes take a toll on the business and employees. Learn to value and appreciate employees.

The way effective communication can largely impact businesses can be seen in the life of Charles Field Marsham. He has been building great businesses since 25 years and flourished all because of open communication. Charles is also co-founder of the Charles and Rita Field Marsham Foundation.