
Event to bring your community together


Creating and fostering a community dynamic requires undertaking communal activities. There are various ideas as to how you can do that, and we’re here to share some of those with you. The heart of it is getting to know those around you better which then makes undertaking communal projects easier. It is also a great way to the network where the plumber and the UI UX designer can swap cards and become each other’s clients. It also means that you know those around you, leaving you feeling safer.

Have a potluck or street party

Whichever of the two you settle on largely depends on the vibe your community has. If it has younger people living there, then a street party is a fantastic time to get people together. For those communities where the population is elderly then a potluck would be ideal as they get to sit down and chat with others. A public holiday when most people won’t be at work is a good time to capitalize on. You, however, need to run it by the relevant authority in your area to avoid being shut down mid celebrations.

Game night

Perhaps one of the ways to foster the spirit of comradery and competition is by having a quiz night and the local restaurant or pub. Depending on what’s around, you want to ensure that the place is kid friendly as well. There are near endless games to choose from and having unique prices will get people to jump in on the fun. Consider adding a historical challenge where people can know more about their neighborhood and become more appreciative of it.

Have a screening

If you want to take it old school, then you can hire a large screen and watch PG-rated movies in a designated area. It won’t be the best if you want conversations,but if you have long breaks between screenings, then you can still host a screening. Only remember to have food and drink stands as well as a washroom so that people don’t have to wander back into their houses to access certain amenities. If you’re wondering what to show, know that old movie is a gold mine. Choose popular selections from the 1990s. Again, you might require getting a license for the screening to avoid getting on the wrong side of the copyright laws.

Do a project together

If there are certain amenities the community wishes to add, such as a playground, everyone can come together and brainstorm. You can also use local talent and labor that way there is greater community ownership. People can sign up to do what they are good at while the rest support either through funding or moral support. Whatever the case, the community would be proud that they did something together, making those who were once strangers close friends.

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