Health & Fitness

3 Signs You are Excited for 4/20


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Only days away from the momentous and highly-anticipated coming of 4/20, you might already be thinking of exciting ways you can incorporate CBD oil goodies into this day. After all, with this day being dubbed as Christmas season for stoners and cannabis enthusiasts, preparing for this occasion is one you certainly won’t want to miss.

If you are a fan of marijuana, chances are you are already thinking of what you should do for the day. Apart from obsessing about what you should do, below are three signs you are already excited for this unofficial national holiday:

You are Counting Down the Days

With only a few more days left until the day, you might already be putting on exes on your calendar just to help mark the days as they go by. You notice that you are becoming more optimistic with each morning, especially as you come nearer to this much-anticipated event. Rightly so. With more people celebrating this day through a slew of festivals, concerts, and other happy gatherings, it is impossible not to want to celebrate this plant and what it can do, particularly with other like-minded individuals.

You Start Hoarding Cannabis Products

As the days go by, you might be starting to hoard Cannabis products such as CBD oil edibles and other cannabis-based goodies to share with your friends and family. From gummies, chocolates, candies, and other edible goods, scouring stores, dispensaries, and even the internet for these items may just have become your new job.

If you are still low on stock, take a cue from Esquire’s list of cannabidiol-based food items. Apart from gummies, the list also tells you where you can get gumdrops, coffee, tea, bitters, honey, and many more. Just be patient and you can find CBD oil edibles for sale.

You are Looking for Cannabis-Inspired items

There’s a really good chance that you are already doing your research and preparing for the big day by finding the best cannabis-inspired items on the internet. Aside from the perennial house favorite, the good ol’ bong, you might also be looking up Craigslist and Amazon for amazing home finds to decorate your place. A 420-themed rug, a herbal marijuana print, and a unique ashtray may be wonderful additions to spruce up your space in honor of this day. Just don’t go overboard and buy ganja-scented candles… that is unless you want your house to reek of MJ even after the event.

Remember that 4/20 is one of the biggest events of the year and that you are not alone in celebrating this day. To express your unity with the people, light up a joint or two.  

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